Department of Environmental Conservation

  DEC - autumn stream
Permitted Solid Waste Transporters
   H = Hazardous Waste, S = Solid Waste, R = Residual Waste & M = Medical Waste  
IDCompanyContactAddressTownStatePhoneWaste TypeBear Resistant Containers
2195128 Holdings, LLC dba Grunts Move JunkBart NewhousePO Box 696StoweVT8023719675SNo
2491802 Clean Out Services LLCMike Heath188 McMullen RdMiltonVT8023387169HSNo
22769063-3314 Quebec Inc.Dany Gaucher, President8970 De La Pointe Du JourSt-HyacintheQC4502234262SRNo
22759106-9971 Quebec Inc.Lily Pinard, President419 Rue DupontSt-DominiqueQC4502234262SRNo
2419A&D Excavating, LLCDylan Gendron1036 South Richford RoadRichfordVT8023702194RUnknown
6A.B.L.E. Waste Management, Inc.Arthur Lynds1515 Lynds Hill RoadPlymouthVT8026723569SYes
790A.C. Wright, LLC dba Clark-Wright Septic ServiceChad E. Wright1577 Burpee RoadBristolVT8024533108RUnknown
9A-1 Sewer & Drain Service, Inc.Nick & Jaymie Rudenis46 Walker Mt. Rd.No. ClarendonVT8024385722RUnknown
559A1, Inc.Erin Scott 28 Cross RoadClarksburgMA4136638351RUnknown
2290Aaron B. Lane dba GIT-R-GONE Rubbish & RecyclingAaron B. Lane836 Old Harbour RoadWoodfordVT8024510727SNo
2664Aaron's Cleanouts LTD. CO.Fletcher Loomis133 Northside DriveBenningtonVT8026884797SNo
2261Abanaki Inc.Christine Maseroni, President3036 US Rt 7PittsfordVT8024839900SUnknown
2225Absolute Spill Response, LLCMelissa RamseyPO Box 309BarreVT8022422011HSYes
2172Acker Waste Management, LLCWade Acker11 B Liberty StBristolVT8024536701SNo
673ACSWMD (Addison County Solid Waste Management District)Teri Kuczinski1223 Route 7 SMiddleburyVT802-388-2333SNo
612ACV Environmental Services IncLorena Mercado928 E. Hazelwood AvenueRahwayNJ732-375-9988HSNo
2243Adam Stone Trucking LLCAdam Stone, Owner211 Martin RoadWilliamstownVT8024772799SNo
911Aftermath Services LLCSusan Stevens75 Executive Drive, Suite 200AuroraIL6304234278SMUnknown
2214Agri-Cycle Energy LLCEvan LaPointe500 Southborough Drive, Suite 106South PortlandME8008509560SUnknown
2184Alan Butler dba A & D TruckingAlan ButlerPO Box 3IrasburgVT8027542993SMNo
21Alan Partridge dba Alan Partridge Enterprises Alan Partridge1612 Old Cheney RoadWindhamVT8028747043SUnknown
2209Albert H. Jackson dba Green Mountain ServicesAlbert H. JacksonPO Box 255HartfordVT8023563214SNo
2288All American Waste LLCJohn Babson SR.P.O.BOX.1003BenningtonVT8024422245SNo
2687All Hook N Service LLCMirrisa Bidwell2220 Upper French Hill RoadJohnsonVT8027309889SYes
642All Metals Recycling, Inc.Rachel TownsPO Box 497HardwickVT8024725100SRYes
798All Seasons Excavating & Landscaping IncRobby MazzaPO Box 96ColchesterVT8026553976SNo
1105Allard's Portable Toilets, LLCTyler Allard78 James StreetCharlestownNH6034773096RUnknown
841All-Clean Waste Services LLCEric DavisPO Box 209NorthfieldVT8024854210SNo
2609Alliance Consulting & Excavation LLCTim Simpson739 Red Barn RoadDanvilleVT8022741776HSYes
787All-Out Waste Management LLCBJ Mazzola2941 VT Route 7AShaftsburyVT8024425064RUnknown
2139Allstate O.R.C., Inc.Thomas Warden, President473 Hamburg TurnpikeWest MilfordNJ9736163122HSUnknown
824Alva Waste Services, LLCMatthew Priestley1050 Charlestown RdSpringfieldVT8028852994SNo
1090American Environmental, Inc.Jose J Bermejo18 Canal StreetHolyokeMA4133227190SNo
663American Retroworks, Inc. dba Good Point RecyclingRobin IngenthronBox 1010MiddleburyVT8023828500SHUnknown
2528American Tire Distributors Inc.Brian MillerAttn: Legal Dept, 12200 Herbert Wayne CourtHuntersvilleFL7046321905SUnknown
2657Angela WaltonANGELA A WALTONPO Box 1074DerbyVT6033122587S 
906Approved Storage & Waste Hauling NE, Inc.Charles Dippolito Jr.110 Edison AvenueMt. VernonNY888-388-2525HSMNo
1028Arlin Goodwin dba Goodwin's TruckingArlin Goodwin 88 Kelsey Mountain RoadRandolph CenterVT8022912732SNo
703Associated Building Wreckers, Inc.Jennifer Jodoin/Andrew Mirkin352 Albany StreetSpringfieldMA4137323179SNo
754B & D Associates, Inc.Kevin FischerPO Box 598ConcordNH6032241157HSMUnknown
1052B.K. Services, LLCBradley Thomas Keith165 Hardway Lane FlorenceVT802-779-2950SNo
1030Baker Commodities, Inc.Shawn OrdwayPO Box 132North BillericaMA9786547724SUnknown
2684Bannister Roofing/Siding, Inc. DBA BCE ContainersKevin Bannister91 Morse Drive FairfaxVT8028627850SNo
897Barkus Excavating, LLCCindy Bartosewcz1549 King Hill RoadReadsboroVT8024237004SUnknown
47Barre Septic Service, LLCLindsi HullPO Box 246GranitevilleVT8024767980RUnknown
959Barrett Trucking Co., Inc.Joseph Barrett16 Austin DriveBurlingtonVT8028631311RSMNo
967Bazin Brothers Trucking, Inc.Robert Tetreault2425 Back Westminster RoadWestminsterVT8024632077HSUnknown
809BDS Tire Recycling, Inc.Rick GarandPO Box 319FairfieldME2072783833SUnknown
50Bear Dog Enterprises, LLCJames Danyow1050 Route 7 SouthMiddleburyVT8023882652RSUnknown
51Beattie Enterprises, Inc.Shane M. BeattiePO Box 26LancasterNH6037884035RSNo
512Bed Rock Inc dba Tri-State Motor Transit CoSharon Bell / Donnie Lester8141 E 7TH STREETJoplinMO4176243131HUnknown
2424Bergeron Septic LLC dba McKenzie SepticTina Bergeron21 Grissom LaneClaremontNH6035425085RUnknown
847Best Septic Service, LLCLisa Ruggiero5983 US Route 5, Suite AWestminsterVT8024639444RUnknown
2527Bio-Med Innovations, LLC dba New England MedWasteMatthew Nekoroski, CEO30 Log Bridge Road, Bldg 100 Ste 108Middleton MA8006114930 No
765Bionomics, Inc.Leyla Coleman, Admin. Asst.PO Box 817KingstonTN8652208501HUnknown
2118BioYork, LLCJoel Sofer1444 E. Lackawanna Ave., Ste. 216OlyphantPA570-416-2700MSUnknown
2411Black Bear Biodiesel LLCJames Malloy45 Cutler HeightsEast MontpelierVT802-999-2380SUnknown
993Black Dirt Farm, LLCTom Gilbert393 Stannard Mountain RoadGreensboro BendVT8025337033SUnknown
2677Black Dog Septic LLCKyle Lizotte707 Calavant Hill RoadCharlestownNH6034771866R 
61Blair's Trucking, Inc.Dora Roberts-WingPO Box 444AlburghVT8027963282SNo
2386Blanc & Bailey Construction, Inc.Kathi Dixey18 Depot StreetCharlestownNH6038264626SUnknown
2410Blanchard Contracting Ltd CoRebekah "Bekki" Potter1255 US RT 5 NWindsorVT8026742047HRSNo
2562BMG Trash Removal & Recycling LLCHeath Fitzpatrick646 Fitts RdWardsboroVT8023808183SNo
991Bob Fredette dba Bob Fredette Trucking & Odd JobsBob FredettePO Box 1771, Station ARutlandVT8023536711SUnknown
902Bolduc Auto Salvage, Inc., dba Bolduc Metal RecyclingJames Bolduc239 Bolduc RoadMiddlesexVT8022237917SUnknown
675Bolens Septic & Portable Toilets LLCTanya Williams33 Brown Brook RoadStewartstownNH6032467718RUnknown
2445Bordertown Dumpster Services, Inc.Jaime Wright1521 County Route 28GranvilleNY5186421296SUnknown
64Bostley Sanitary Service, Inc.Amberlyn Beausoliel268 E. Colrain RoadColrainMA4137726531RUnknown
1086Boston Green Fuel Co., Inc.Brenda Dennison102 Charles Eldridge DriveLakevilleMA8883382657SHUnknown
67Boudreault Septic LLCJohn Boudreault Jr.3255 Dartmouth College HwyNorth HaverhillNH6033590930RUnknown
942Bowman Excavating, LLC dba Bowman Excavating & TransportKatherine Bowman103 Webster RoadOrleansVT8022743609SRNo
2296BP Wastewater Services, LLCBenjamin Pratt, Owner557 Riverside AveBurlingtonVT8028291556SRNo
2439Breezy Hill Transport LLCKyle Dalpe507 Breezy Hill RoadBarton VT8025259036RSNo
983Brenda KimballBrenda Kimball930 Quaker Village RoadWeybridgeVT8025452891SNo
2509Brett Frazier dba Rutland Moving and StorageBrett Frazier238 VT Rte. 7BNorth ClarendonVT18023422000SNo
70Brian A. Rumrill dba Brian's ACME ServiceBrian Rumrill323 Airport RoadPerkinsvilleVT8022639315SUnknown
777Brian Perry & Sons Construction, Inc.Donna PerryPO Box 1158HardwickVT8024726080SNo
793Brian Riff dba C.D.S. Portable ToiletsBrian RiffPO Box 324ColebrookNH6039228310RUnknown
771Brian W. RickerBrian W. RickerPO Box 13Post MillsVT8023334617SNo
1023Brighter Horizons Environmental CorporationJohn Nelson201 West Main StreetAyerMA9789700500SNo
2453BRONZE Contracting LLCThomas Bronson9188 State Route 12RemsenNY3153687353SNo
75BTF, Inc., dba Bundy's Sewer & Drain Service Brad / Deanna FischerPO Box 77JerichoVT8028994099RUnknown
903Burley Transport LLCScott Burley50 Pine Notch CircleLaconiaNH603-557-2311SNo
1080Burnett Scrap Metals LLCChristopher Burnett8855 Rte 116HinesburgVT8024826075SNo
78Burrell Roofing Co., Inc.Tait SuttonPO Box 206WilliamstownVT8024335353SNo
212Buzz R. GradyBuzz R. Grady1 Brookside Mobile Home ParkRutlandVT8027736965SNo
2422C&D Septic Services LLCCandy or Dale Hammond73 Cross RoadLebanonNH6033816196RUnknown
2644Cadence Premier Cargo Inc.Ray Leon2250 S CHICAGO ST (UNIT B) JOLIETIL7088089850 No
86Calkins Excavating, Inc.Dana CalkinsPO Box 370DanvilleVT8026843329SUnknown
1024Casella Construction IncMackenzie Mahoney1385 US Route 7PITTSFORDVT8023457630SNo
2308Casella Waste Management of Massachusetts, Inc.John Gay1855 VT Route 100Hyde Park VT8026515454RSMYes
2361Casella Waste Management of N.Y., Inc.Amy S. DaviesPO Box 209MorrisonvilleNY5182252753SYes
89Casella Waste Management, Inc.Attn: Dawn DeGraafPO Box 866RutlandVT8026515454RSNo
607Castleton, Town ofJacob Wilcox263 Route 30NBomoseenVT8024683005SYes
90Catamount Environmental, Inc.Chrissy Yanke CooneyPO Box 160WilmingtonVT8024642754SYes
701Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District (CVSWMD)Theron Lay-Sleeper137 Barre StreetMontpelierVT8022299383HSNo
2206Ceres Environmental Services, Inc.Tia Laurie6371 Business Blvd., Suite 100SarasotaFL8133338254SUnknown
2514Chad Cutting dba Reed & Sons RubbishChad Cutting188 Sweet Pond RoadGuilfordVT8022571211SNo
2340Chad's Disposal, LLCChad Chase18 Jorgensen LnBARREVT802-793-0885SNo
789Charles C. Haff Jr., dba Royal Flush SanitationCharles C. Haff, Jr.PO Box 81Lower WaterfordVT8022745631RUnknown
280Charles S. Johnson Sr., dba Johnson's RefuseCharles S. Johnson Sr.PO BOX 241N. ClarendonVT8027756054SNo
2625Chayer's Rubbish Removal LLCZachary ChayerP.O. Box 7OrleansVT8026733376SNo
102Chittenden Solid Waste DistrictBrian Mital19 Gregory DriveSouth BurlingtonVT8022330670HSNo
2619Chris Allen DBA Allen Rubbish RemovalChris AllenPO Box 727BartonVT8027457975SNo
2291Chris Pratt dba Chris Pratt ConstructionChris PrattPO Box 291JeffersonvilleVT8023241199SNo
103Church Septic LLCRobert Church2006 Harwood Hill RoadBenningtonVT8024426919RUnknown
2220Citiwaste, LLCJason Folker893 Shepherd AveBrooklynNY717-951-2901HMUnknown
2616Clean and Green Junk Removal LLCChristopher GoodwinPO Box 19WinchesterNH4132188025 No
107Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc.Colleen Costello, TC Senior ManagerNorwellNorwellMA781--79-2-57HRSMYes
110Clifton J. Inman dba Cliff's Rubbish RemovalClifton J. InmanPO Box 13West HalifaxVT8023682712SUnknown
2360Clinton Holt dba Ripp's CompostClinton HoltPO Box 487PlainfieldVT8024263508S No
2613Cobrita Trucking IncWilder Munoz1627 North Shore RoadRevere MA7818700472SRNo
670Complete Recycling Solutions LLCKeith L. Boyea1075 Airport RoadFall RiverMA5084027700HSNo
676Complete Septic Services, LLCKim M. Littlefield / John Littlefield789 School StreetIsle LaMotteVT8029283572RUnknown
119Cota Trucking CompanyDavid & Laurie Cota6 Curtis AvenueEssex JunctionVT8028782668SNo
1077County Waste and Recycling Service, Inc. (also dba Ace Carting Corp)Camilla PowellPO box 790Clifton ParkNY5188772344SNo
2682CP Landscaping Maintenance LLCChristopher Pendlebury146 Country ViewArlingtonVT8023791835SNo
2513CRM Co., LLCJason Bendieramonte1414 Norwich RoadPlainfieldCT8605648811SUnknown
2271Crown Point Excavation LLCMarsha DawkinsPO Box 656ChesterVT8028854979SUnknown
610Crystal Clean, LLC DBA Crystal Clean EnvironmentalIvona Zyla2000 Center Drive suite East C300Hoffman EstatesIL8478445579HSNo
2345Crystal Lumbra and Joanne LitchfieldCrystal LumbraPO Box 314RandolphVT8022342118SNo
2497Curb Resource Collection LLCBrian Somers114 Southview LaneWillistonVT8024712872SYes
122Cyn Oil CorporationColleen Costello42 Longwater Dr.NorwellMA781-792-5777HSYes
1016D & P Hawk North Management LLCPatricia Harvey106 Vt Rte 107StockbridgeVT8027468911SMYes
921D&C Transportation, Inc.Scott Oeschger/Nick Rossi32 Railroad AvenueOrleansVT8027546664HSYes
2216D.H. Cameron Construction Company, Inc.Don Cameron, President7056 B US Route 7No. FerrisburghVT8024253782SUnknown
126Dana H. Sweet Trucking Inc.Jennifer Sweet/Dana SweetPO Box 188CambridgeVT8026445470SNo
1110Daniel Pepin dba Dan Pepin Excavating and TruckingHolly Pepin, Office Mgr.4650 VT Rte 100NewportVT8027448227SRUnknown
2693Daniels Sharpsmart, Inc. DBA DanielsDavid Tran111 W. Jackson Blvd.ChicagoIL9452481784S 
2686Darryl Bouchard DBA The Trash GuyDarryl BouchardPO Box 1609LyndonvilleVT8022745695SNo
128Dart Trucking Company, Inc.Wendy HoffmanPO Box 157North LimaOH3305490994HSNo
2533Dave SabatiniDave Sabatini267 Fay RdGoshenVT8022476350 No
2443David Bedor Jr., dba Bedor's Logging and Portable ToiletsDavid BedorPO Box 246St. Johnsbury CenterVT8027938186RUnknown
207David Giroux dba Dave's Rubbish Removal David GirouxPO Box 132NewportVT8029222339SYes
2382Dead Creek Compost LLCSamuel DeVries2963 VT Rt 17WAddisonVT8027592144SNo
1067Delmolino & Sons, Inc.Kyle J. DelmolinoPO Box TCheshireMA4137435397SRYes
35Dennis Smith dba Area Septic PumpingDennis SmithPO Box 946ChesterVT8028756551RUnknown
2626Derrick Root DBA D-Rock ServicesDerrick Root359 Parker RdPittsfordVT8027795637 No
134Derrig Excavating, Inc.Ellis Derrig Jr.30 Houghton Brook RoadPutneyVT8023875479SNo
2540Diversified Brokerage & Logistics of NE, LLC Chrystal Nolet4 Windham Depot Rd box #7DerryNH603-682-5645RUnknown
143Donald D. Dorr Septic Service Inc.Debra Salo209 Riverside HeightsManchester CenterVT8023622344RUnknown
667Donald Giroux's Trucking, LLCDONALD GIROUXP O BOX 79East BarreVT8028390064SUnknown
142Doran Bros., Inc.Daniel Doran634 West StFair HavenVT8022654724RUnknown
246Dorothy M. Hodgdon dba Vaughn Hodgdon TruckingDorothy M. Hodgdon1025 us route2GuildhallVT8023283582SNo
2627Dorset Farm, LLC DBA Dorset CompostMichael Flett4343 Route 30DorsetVT2017047759  
960Double Green Circle, Inc.Jonathan Donadio61 Shaker CourtGuilfordCT2039807675SRNo
2674Double R Bedard Hauling LLCZachary Bedard470 Cormier RoadDanvilleVT8025357180SYes
2223Douglas J. Dano dba D4 Rubbish RemovalDouglas J. Dano65 Brooklyn StreetGroveton NH6032372056SNo
2621DR Property Maintenance & Lawn Care IncDerek Richardson PO BOX 492Hardwick VT8027937388  
40DR Robinson, LLC dba B&B SepticDonna Robinson2702 Crepeault Hill RoadSt. JohnsburyVT8027489858RUnknown
2594Drake's Hauling & Junk Removal, LLCSeth Drake120 Bell StBenningtonVT8024301273SUnknown
2239Driven By Drafts Equine Services LLCMacey Ross1502 Hunt RoadNew HavenVT8023770640SNo
2629DT Rentals LLCLauren Tarricone416 Red Barn RoadDanvilleVT8022746448SNo
148Duffy's Waste & Recycling Inc.CATHERINE DUFFYPO Box 264FairfaxVT8028492309SYes
2583Dumpsters R US Inc.Veikko Huuskonen58 Lowell Junction RoadAndoverMA9784092111S 
151Dundon Plumbing & Heating Inc.Christopher J. DundonP.O. Box 100OrwellVT8029482082RNo
2145Dustin Glidden dba Abbott Septic ServiceShannon or Dustin Glidden372 River RoadCharlestown NH6038260337RUnknown
747E.E. Packard Enterprises, Inc.Sherry NeedlePO Box 70East MontpelierVT8022623835RSNo
910East Coast Rubbish Removal LLCGeorge Foster37 water stRutlandVT8023531460SYes
2700Eco Garden Compost LLCChristian Griffin63 Ferris St, Unit 1St. AlbansVT8029220390SUnknown
2158Edward C. BalchEdward C. Balch, ProprietorPO Box 1501CastletonVT8022363968SUnknown
814Eilers Bros. Trucking & Excavating, Inc.Rhonda SmithPO Box 216ReadsboroVT8024235413SYes
2447Eldredge, Inc., dba Eldredge of PennsylvaniaGregory Mead898 Fern Hill RoadWest ChesterPA6104364749HSNo
2544Elite Car Company LLCBrian Aubuchon382 Glen RoadNewportVT8023458177SNo
2194Elm City Compost Initiative LLCAlbert Diemand242 Chesterfield RoadKeeneNH4134066466SUnknown
741Empire Septic Service LLCRoger Gauthier Jr.64 Dick Hill RoadGranvilleNY5186325297RUnknown
168Environmental Hazards Management IncKenneth Morton Jr.PO Box 785WillistonVT8028624537SUnknown
892Environmental Maintenance Services, Inc. d/b/a BioServRick Ragaini10 Gramar AvenueProspectCT2037585550HSMUnknown
2414Environmental Restoration LLCRobert Perkins1666 Fabick DrFentonMO8888147477HSNo
171Environmental Services IncWilliam Mitchell90 Brookfield StreetSouth WindsorCT8004867745HSRMNo
2263ENVIROSERVE, INC. (formerly Sunpro)Larry Steigerwald4600 Brookpark RoadClevelandOH3309660910HSRUnknown
2229EnviroVac Waste Transport Systems, Inc.Chad Myers, Env. & Safety Director526 W. Reid StreetJacksonvilleIL2172450460HSUnknown
194EQ Northeast, Inc. (dba US Ecology)Wanda Tobey185 Industrial RoadWrenthamMA5088031237HSNo
915Everett A. Russell III dba E. A. Russell TruckingEverett A. Russell III478 Merrimack StreetMethuenMA9788156299SNo
2149Everett P. Huntley Sr., dba P H Trucking & Rubbish RemovalEverett P. Huntley Sr.116 Sesame StreetBraintree VT8022821820SNo
178Evergreen Recycling IncJudith BelyeaPO Box 4853White River JunctionVT8022957506SUnknown
2564EVERGREEN SERVICES, INC.Carl BailinPO Box 849StoweVT8027931443SRNo
746EZ Container Service IncMichael Tetrault1 Towne Market PlaceEssex JCTVT8028781255SNo
895E-Z-Trash LLCFrederick E. Harris265 Mt. Pleasant St. #1St. JohnsburyVT8027480144SNo
2178FBS Tire Recycling, Inc.Jessica FigueroaPO Box 332AyerMA978-772-4251SUnknown
1097First Response Labor LLCMatt SwannPO Box 33St. AlbansVT8009140125SHYes
2160Florida Transformer LLC dba Emerald TransformerTiffany T. Springer7850 Collin McKinney Pkwy, Ste 200McKinneyTX2254542055HUnknown
2633FMK LLCJoe Savery283 Nichols RoadFairfaxVT8027306024SNo
2643Fornwalt Excavation LLCJason FornwaltPO Box 801BradfordVT8022913112 No
2463Four Town Composting LLCJake Boudreau1414 Wheelock RoadDanvilleVT8027489145SUnknown
2146Francis Oakes dba F. Oakes Disposal and Light TruckingFrancis OakesPO Box 4183White River Jct.,VT8025051870SNo
191Frank Corporation Environmental ServicesKirk J. Franklin615 Tarkiln Hill RoadNew BedfordMA5089959997HSYes
193Frank's Vacuum Truck Services, LLCSusan Abraham1717 New Rd.Niagara FallsNY7162842199HSNo
563Fred Budzyn dba Budzyn Tire Removal & RecyclingFred Budzyn443 North Main St BarreVT8023717653SUnknown
196Freehold Cartage, IncHeather WilliamsonP.O. Box 5010FreeholdNJ7324621001HNo
2696G&B Trash Division, LLCKolton Bussard364 VT Route 7B NNorth Clarendon VT8025580215SNo
855G.W. Tatro Construction, Inc.Shannon MillerPo Box 339JeffersonvilleVT8026448875SUnknown
2469Gable to Grade Home Inspections, LLC dba Brookside ServicesLauren Martelle416 East StMiddletown SpringsVT8022351744SNo
994Gabucci Rubbish Removal LLCJessica Punt332 Number 44 RoadOrleansVT8027546577SNo
2183Gaftek Inc.Scott Allocca1 Gibson Road, Suite 2ScarboroughME2072176515HSUnknown
202Gauthier's Trucking Inc.Jane Gauthier5 Gauthier DriveEssex Jct., VT8028794020SRNo
2691George TallmanGeorge Tallman1622 Route 103 SouthChesterVT8025913535SYes
2272GF DAMON TRUCKING LLCHenry Frank Damon21 Bradford St.DerryNH6032167358RSUnknown
2283GMG Enterprises, Inc.Brooke Hastings239 Greenfield RoadSouth DeerfieldMA4136653989RUnknown
210Goodenough Rubbish Removal, LLCCraig Goodenough112 Mercury DriveBrattleboro,VT8022574937SNo
2200Got Trash? LLCPenelope Higson324 Gilman AvenueSt. JohnsburyVT8024241280SNo
211Goulet Trucking, Inc.CRYSTAL WILKINSONPO Box 259S. DeerfieldMA4136651323HRSNo
2551Grace Huron Company LLC DBA Grace Huron Tires & RimsRobert Reynolds791 Stone Bridge RoadMiltonVT8023932584SNo
2668Grace Transport, Inc.Andrew Chittick880 Wright St.StrathroyON8002903017H 
1008Graf Bros. Leasing, Inc.Thomas Girard166 Lafayette RoadSalisburyMA8002250538HSRNo
1001Grand Isle, Town ofBrad SheridanPO Box 49Grand IsleVT8023724863SNo
2569Gravel Construction Company, Inc.Gravel ConstructionP.O. Box 78WolcottVT8024723776S 
217Green Mountain Power CorporationLaura Vallett163 Acorn LaneColchesterVT802-779-6996HUnknown
2446Green Site Services Group, Inc.jackson shiebler25 Forge ParkwayFranklinMA5089662020SHRUnknown
707Greg Marguet dba Greg's TruckingGreg MarguetPO Box 59West HalifaxVT8023682694SUnknown
461Gregory M. Scribner dba Scribner Septic ServiceGregory M. Scribner704 Hier Ln.West RutlandVT802-438-5358RUnknown
875Gurney Brothers Construction, Inc.Dan Gurney19 Gurney RoadNorth SpringfieldVT8028862210SNo
858Gurrisi Brothers Auto & Truck Sales & Salvage, LLCLinda Gurrisi Vining0 Corwin StreetPeabodyMA978-818-6248SUnknown
825Hammond Grinding & Recycling, Inc.Tamra HammondPO Box 17CanaanNH6035234353SUnknown
828Harold Marcus LimitedAnnie Stone15124 Longwoods RoadBothwell OntarioCAN5196953734HUnknown
786Harper E.S.M., Inc. dba Choice Environmental Cliff Harper1811 Hale Hollow RoadBridgewater CornersVT2159325508HSNo
2531Harrington Waste Solutions LLCGary Harrington173 Jasper LaneArlingtonVT8023793202SNo
783Haul Me LLCLeyland PapaPO Box 303 Falls RoadShelburneVT8028812287SNo
236Hazmat Environmental Group, Inc.Sharon Paolini or Colleen Orth60 Commerce DriveBuffaloNY7168277200HUnknown
700HB Energy Solutions, Inc.Thomas HernonPO BOX 945SpringfieldVT8028852300RUnknown
2356HB Trucking LLCHeath Bunnell523 Littleton RdMonroeNH6036384983SNo
2152Heather Grant dba Grants Trash RemovalHeather GrantPO Box 21East MontpelierVT8022793469SNo
470Henry Sleeper dba Sleeper's Rubbish RemovalHenry Sleeper1477 Rowell Brook RoadBradfordVT8022224577SNo
2265Hepaco, LLCPatricia TubbyP.O. BOX 26308CharlotteNC7045989782HRSMNo
241Heritage Transport, LLCPaula Monske1626 Research WayIndianapolisIN3305071823HSMNo
2235Hero Haulers LLCZeberiah Snow25 Martin RoadSouth HeroVT8023734341SYes
2383Hometown Hauling 802 LLCColby Martin15 Fox Run LNMiltonVT802-556-1173SUnknown
2210Hoosick Tire & Services LLCAnne HelftPO Box 316CambridgeNY5188679621SNo
247Horwith Trucks, Inc.REGINA GRIMPO BOX 7NorthamptonPA6102612220SYes
248Houghton Sanitary Service, Inc.Jeff Houghton416 Guilford Center RoadGuilfordVT8022549221RUnknown
2574Howe Enterprises Inc.Nicholas Howe33 Russell RoadTunbridgeVT8025050106R 
250Hubbard Brothers, Inc.Tim Hubbard/Sue PerryPO Box 315RutlandVT8027732259HSRNo
2624Huff and Puff Demolition and Junk Removal LLCJosh Murray3229 Cochran rd Richmond VT8023435356SNo
2665Hunter Excavating, Inc.Patti Johnson2218 VT ROUTE 100S. LondonderryVT8028567165S 
2238Interstate Ventures, Inc.Paula McDonald1261 E. Tri County BlvdOliver SpringsTN8654828670HSNo
2273Iron Mountain IncorporatedBill Blauvelt11 Morse DriveEssex Jct., VT8023096038SUnknown
2662Ironclad Environmental Solutions, Inc.Callan Jacobs550 W 36th StreetJasperIN9208502483SNo
2312Island Excavating Corp.Majken Tranby4 Island CircleGrand IsleVT802-372-4473SUnknown
2203Island Pump and Tank LLCMatthew Bernard40 Doyle CourtEast NorthportNY631--46-2-22HUnknown
2259It's About Time Logistics, LLCLouise Cadavid174 South Road - Suite 111Enfield CT7815718056SUnknown
926IWT Transport, Inc.David OBrien5 FIR COURTOaklandNJ9737685107HSNo
924J A LaRochelle Trucking, LLCJohn LaRochelle362 Pompeo RoadN GrosvenordaleCT8604970173RSUnknown
2565J R AND SONS CONSTRUCTION, INC.Lauren Russo4 Hallberg ParkNorth ReadingMA7812584455SNo
2622J&J Odd Job Services LLCJake Ring655 Church RoadColchesterVT8023916218  
988J. P. Sicard, Inc.Jason SicardPO Box 508BartonVT8025259506SNo
2352J.C. RENDERING, INC.Jason Caruso 201 Jackson RdFrankfortNY3157325759SUnknown
262J.K. Lynch Disposal, Inc.Cheryl Dube49 South Hill RoadColebrookNH6032374446SNo
2479Jake's Property Management LLCJacob Atkinson1409 North RdEden Mills VT 8027600637SNo
763James Davis dba Aaron Septic & DrainJames T. Davis241 Raven Rock RoadArlingtonVT8024309555RUnknown
2607James Mayer DBA Mr. HandyJames Mayer563 South WheelockLyndonvilleVT8022823503SNo
2196Jamie Strotmeyer dba Me and My TruckJamie Strotmeyer81 Henry StreetBurlingtonVT8023380480SNo
2224Jared Rouleau dba A&J RecyclingJared Rouleau143 Buck RoadWarren VT8025050630SNo
2600Jarrett Drown d/b/a Drown TruckingJarrett Drown857 Center RdHardwickVT802-279-4097  
2673Jason Hooks DBA Small Town Trash RemovalJason Hooks10 Briggs StreetNorth Adams MA4136639302SYes
268Jay's Septic Tank Cleaning LLCBrenton K. Southworth4551 Route 5Thetford CenterVT8023339485RUnknown
2493JBGB Transport LLCJustin Bona630 York StLyndonvilleVT8022743697SNo
936Jeffrey Bronson dba Bronson TransportJeff Bronson292 Quiet Valley RoadShorehamVT8029894195SUnknown
982Jeffrey Lloyd dba Rutland RubbishJeffrey Lloyd25 Meadow StreetRutlandVT8027751527SNo
2542Jeff's Rubbish Removal LLCJennifer WrightPO Box 204WindsorVT8022639691 No
658Jeff's Trucking LLCJeffrey Scott Hook786 US Route 5 #6WindsorVT8026746639SNo
1109Jewell Specialized Inc.Chris Jewell, PresidentPO Box 295PlainfieldNH6033819897SNo
2555Jim Holton DBA Junk All GoneJim Holton307 Flat Iron RoadWolcottVT8027300303SYes
2539JMF Transport (1992) LTD. COPamela Jeanson5609 chemin de l’AréoportValcourt Qc CANADA 4505322285HSNo
2676JNVSeptic LLCChris Johnson64 veterans park rdClaremontNH6035815586RYes
2648JOE AND JEN LLC DBA Calkins Portable ToiletsLisa CalkinsPO Box 21DanvilleVT8026842255R 
962John Couture dba J.C. TruckingJohn Couture / Shannon Couture2551 Coventry Station RoadNewportVT8022745320RSNo
116John L. Cookson dba Cookson's TruckingJohn L. Cookson1048 Lovely RoadMarshfieldVT8022792466SNo
279John Trombley dba John Trombley Construction & SeptageJohn Trombley1549 Pencil Mill RoadCastletonVT8022732527RNo
2204Josh Fenoff Siteworks, LLCJosh Fenoff367 Fenoff Heights LaneWaterfordVT8025357941SNo
2675Joshua KubeckaJoshua Kubecka855 Pond RdVernonVT8026576108SNo
2319Josiah Nolt dba Countryside SepticJosiah Nolt192 Hilltop DriveJohnsonVT18025856470RUnknown
2547JR & Sons Junk Removal INC.Jade RulePO Box 302VergennesVT8027359760SNo
2511JRP Waste Oil Service, IncGregg BaitingerPO Box 570OxfordPA8563087336HSRNo
2205JSP Job Site Pumping LLC Jeffrey Townsend4888 Pleasant StreetRandolphVT8027284137RUnknown
656Juddy's Septic Service Inc.Brian JuddPO Box 226MorganVT8028954196RUnknown
734Justin Adams dba Quinttown Container ServiceJustin AdamsPO Box 13OrfordNH6033534240SNo
289K&R Portable Restroom Services, LLCZACHARIAH CONLEYPO BOX 121ORFORDNH6033534106RUnknown
2512K. Bellavance Land Works & Hauling LLCAshley N Collins69 PITMAN RDBarreVT8022798488SNo
2651KAG Specialty Products Group, LLCMary Schnick5301 Buttonwood DrMadisonWI6082308217HS 
2581Keane Trucking LLCChristopher Keane169 Keane Mountain WayOrangeVT8024765617SYes
2478Keep It Simple LLC DBA KIS Clean OutsMargaret Pridgen377 Maple St, Unit 5White River JunctionVT8022805408SNo
687Kenneth A. Ross dba K-N-S Tire RecyclingKenneth RossPO Box 503AlbanyVT8027559278SNo
2226Kevin Palazzo dba Up With The Sun TruckingKevin Palazzo, Owner4 Welch LaneRaymondNH9784231584RSNo
2444Kevin Pothier d/b/a KMC ExcavatingKevin Pothier807 Bushey Hill Rd.NewportVT8025228452SUnknown
986Kilburn Transport LLCMichaela Kilburn2379 Vt Rt 100EdenVT8022794228RSUnknown
2661Kim Jones DBA Jones Rubbish RemovalRobert & Kim Jones1538 Route 30 NorthBomoseenVT8022733795SUnknown
2705Kings L.L.C.Ricky King Jr.471 Vermont Route 7AShaftsburyVT8027332558SNo
2246Kingsbury Companies LLCTravis Kingsbury58 Center RoadMiddlesexVT8882087219RSNo
2631Kirby Mountain Lawns + Landscaping LLCCaleb Temple1693 Ridge RoadKirbyVT8025355321S 
295Kirk Fenoff & Son Excavating, LLCKirk Fenoff24 Old Stagecoach RoadDanvilleVT8026843353SNo
2434Knight Realty Management, LLCJess SavoyPO Box 911St. AlbansVT8027822958SUnknown
2545L & W Williams Construction, Inc. dba "The Can Man"Rebecca Williams736 South Road Peru VT8029996737SUnknown
2634L&M Service Contractors, LLcSue E Esty287 River RdNorwichVT6033591656SNo
2642Laidlaw Carriers Bulk GP, Inc.Tyler Tilker646 Athlone Ave.WoodstockON9057191629H 
2606LaPete Construction & Trucking, LLCChris LaPeteP.O. Box 50New HavenVT8023432758S 
901Lavallee Trucking & Excavating LLCJames Lavallee / Kristi Szawlowski (Secretary)PO Box 383HatfieldMA4139234555SNo
2449Lawrence Waste ServicesKen McMenemy49 Alder SMedwayMA5082542495SNo
2556Leonard Keys DBA Keys DumpstersLenny (Leonard) Keys5158 State Route 22SalemNY5189377097SNo
2250Leslie Daniels dba Les Daniels ServicesLeslie Daniels975 Steele Hill RDRandolphVT8022799690SNo
882Lev V. KalininLev V. Kalinin115 Prospect Street Ext.LebanonNH8025783676SUnknown
2702Lewco LLCMATTHEW T LEWIS747 Randall Hill RdSpringfield VT8023766463SNo
2455LIQUORE SAND AND GRAVEL LLCJane Zebrowski and/or Nino Valentino117 North StreetEnfieldCT8607630378SUnknown
785Lois Jerome dba Jerome TruckingLois Jerome87 Shaw RoadCambridgeVT8028496933SNo
2161Longe Trucking LLCTimothy Longe jr1849 Davis Rd Enosburg, VTEnosburg FallsVT8027829916SNo
2501LR Rivera Trucking IncLuis R Rivera Acevedo197 Bradford StreetEverettMA7815354040SUnknown
1106Luxury Event Restrooms, Inc.Mike Solomon5654 Ethan Allen HwyCharlotteVT8027440066RUnknown
1012Lyle Webb Jr., dba Webb & Sons LandscapingLyle WebbP O Box 956MiddleburyVT8023244237SNo
995Maine Labpack, Inc.Mitchell Daigle163 Thadeus StreetSouth PortlandME2077671933HSMNo
2554Major L. Rodd, The Roofer, Inc. DBA Rodd RoofingSilas Ratico49 Perkins StreetSaint JohnsburyVT8027484555SNo
609Mansfield Environmental Abatement Group, Inc.Dan KingPO Box 8535EssexVT8028789975HSUnknown
2604Marden Environmental Transport LLCNancy Marden87 Laurel Hill RdBrookfieldCT860-898-0242HSNo
1009Maria Glabach dba Glabach Farm ContractorsMaria Glabach32 Nourse Hollow RoadDummerstonVT8022570939SUnknown
1014Mark Russ dba Mark Russ RubbishMark RussPO Box 15TownshendVT8023657208SNo
768Markowski Excavating, Inc.Gregory MarkowskiPO Box 69FlorenceVT8024836469SNo
2523Mascoma Waste Management LLCJohn Pellerin, OwnerPO Box 427EnfieldNH6033042155SYes
1031Masterson & Son Excavation, LLCJosh / Bridget Masterson88B North StreetBristolVT8024534341SNo
518Matthew O Swann Enterprises LLC DBA Tuttle’s TruckingTrista ShappyPO Box 1SwantonVT8028687838SYes
342Maumee Express IncJohn BrothersPO Box 278SomervilleNJ8007425542HSNo
937McKirryher Waste Services Inc.Rick or Kim McKirryher224 Floating Acres PlaceRutlandVT8027752749SYes
719McVac Environmental Services, Inc.Charles Demers481 Grand AvenueNew HavenCT2034981427HRSNo
2656MEC JUNK REMOVAL & HAULING SERVICES LLCMark E CurrierPO Box 19Island PondVT8026240429SNo
2336Megan Kolbay dba Earth Girl CompostingMegan KolbayPo Box 594 BarreVT802-839-5017SUnknown
2635Melnik Farms LLCPaul Kokoski188 Mill Village RdDeerfield MA4135310633  
1004Memphremagog Rentals LLCDouglas Spates / Andrew Carbine89 Third StreetNewportVT8023342262SNo
2576Merrill Service Company Inc.Meghann Merrill8 New Pasture RoadNewburyportMA9784632001S 
2492Michael Pelton dba Stoney Mountain FarmMichael Pelton1001 West Windham RdWindhamVT8023802253SNo
441Michael Szymanski dba MS Septic ServiceMike SzymanskiPO Box 656MontpelierVT8022490147RUnknown
355Michaud Septic Service LLCCrystal Michaud207 Belfry Rd East HardwickVT8024726682RUnknown
356Miller Environmental Group IncDON CURRAN538 Edwards AvenueCalvertonNY8459059670HSNo
2230MK Trucking LLCMichael Sevigny, Owner1186 Hebert RoadWilliamstownVT8029174653SNo
462Moran Environmental Recovery LLCJeff Magyar75 D York AvenueRandolphMA7818151100HSMYes
987More Waste Solutions LLCBeth-Anne Searles1138 Old Quechee RoadWhite River JctVT8022953368SNo
2667Mow N Maintain Property Maintenance LLCNicholas George510 Bridge StreetHuntingtonVT8023917773SNo
822Mr. Bult's, Inc. (dba MBI)Steve Dalpe, Terminal ManagerPO Box 846NewportVT8023341784RSMNo
2472MT3 Unlimited, LLCMike Tkaczyk III3856 Guilford Center RoadGuilfordVT8022541688SNo
2506Munoz Trucking LLCGuillermo Munoz1 Dix st,apt 1,Revere MA 02151Revere MA6179593529SRNo
364Myers Container Service Corp.Lynn BergeronPO Box 38WinooskiVT8026554312SYes
856Mystic Motor Transportation Co., Inc.Charles DalyPO Box 1082BillericaMA9786675656SNo
2233N. A. Manosh, Inc. Nick Manosh, President120 Northgate PlazaMorrisvilleVT8028885722SRNo
934Nathan Guay dba At Your Disposal TruckingNathan Guay661 Route 15UnderhillVT8022791367SNo
630Naughton & Son Recycling, LLCJody WheltonPO Box 464BradfordNH6039382282SNo
2207NEIE Medical Waste Services, LLCPatricia Sumner3100 New Kent HighwayQuintonVA8049328412MSUnknown
2454NEK Rubbish LLCThomas SlineP.O. Box 712LyndonvilleVT8025351430SNo
651New England Disposal Technologies, Inc.Kelly Mathieu83 Gilmore DriveSuttonMA5082344440HSNo
153New England Quality Service Inc., dba Earth Waste & MetalAmanda NadeauPO Box 68RutlandVT8027757722SNo
2623New England Water Systems Inc.Magen Ostiguy168 Ostiguy DriveLowell VT8027442666RNo
2590Nick's Landscaping & Firewood LLCNick Durocher842 Morey Rd.SuttonVT802-535-8485SNo
2138No Waste Compost L3CCameron B. Scott, Co-Owner20 Susie Wilson Road Unit DEssex JunctionVT8023731707SYes
2282Nordic Waste Services LLCJoshua DickeyPO Box 22LebanonNH6034420770SYes
373Normandeau Trucking, Inc.Dennis NormandeauPO Box 243GrovetonNH6036361671SYes
927North Coast Services, LLCThomas Fatcheric44 Locke RoadConcordNH6036107901SNo
2431North Road Excavation LLCDylan McCullough4866 North RdBethelVT802-369-9989SNo
2473North Star Rubbish Removal, LLCBonnie GarrettPO Box 224Bridgewater CornersVT8029529524SNo
377Northeast Kingdom Waste Mgmt DistrictCorey RaymondPO Box 1075LyndonvilleVT8026263532SUnknown
636Northeast Lamp Recycling, Inc.Raymond W Graczyk, PresidentPO Box 680East WindsorCT8602921992HSUnknown
2653Northern Hill Trucking, LLCNicholas Pion135 Comstock RdSwantonVT8023937829SNo
738Northwest VT Solid Waste DistrictPam Bolster158 Morse DriveFairfaxVT8025245986SHNo
724Northwoods Excavating, Inc.Michelle Batchelder289 Ulman RoadThetford CenterVT8027853162SNo
1101Nott's Excavating, Inc.Raymond S. Nott II185 Equestrian WayWhite River Jct.,VT8022952734SUnknown
384Oil Recovery CorporationMichael Hoye138 Palmer AveWest SpringfieldMA4137372949HSMNo
973One World Environmental LLC dba Uncle Bob's Septic Service and dba 802 RestroomsJulie Wright63 Shields DrBenningtonVT8022322222RUnknown
2258Organix RecyclingJulia Gustafson220 S Commerce StRussellvilleAR4699191858SUnknown
391P&P Septic Service Inc.Jarod Pratt, Vice Pres.PO Box 639WillistonVT8026586243RSNo
392Page E.T.C., INC Keith Titus T Corp2758 TROMBLEY RDWeedsportNY3158346681HSNo
2615Palmer Transportation LLCDustan Palmer242 Symn Pond RoadBarnetVT SYes
2315Paul Morse DBA Morse TransportPaul Morse553 Vt Rte. 100Newport CenterVT8022492923SRNo
593Perras Brothers LLC Heath Perras691 Earl Gray RoadMorrisvilleVT8028884353SRNo
2503Peters General Contracting, Inc.Gerard PetersPOBox 212AlbanyVT8027556743SUnknown
396Pete's Rubbish Removal Inc.Neil Robie1130 Mt. Moosilauke HighwayPikeNH6039895300SYes
972Pioneer Tank Lines, Inc.Jessica Sandstrom, Transportation Administrator12501 Hudson Road SouthAftonMN6514368296HUnknown
2608PJD Septic Services, LLCPaul J DionnePO BOX 297StoddardNH6034467106R 
402Precision Industrial Maintenance, LLCTodd Kilburn / Alex Hildebrand1710 Erie Blvd.SchenectadyNY5183465800HSRNo
711Prolerized New England Company LLCDonna Maroney14 Field CourtNorth KingstownRI4012654573SUnknown
2461PumpTech LLCLinda Dimmick187 S. Main StreetNewportNH8027289170RNo
2563Quality Environmental Service LLCJamie Crowley680 WEST RIVER RDBRATTLEBOROVT8024904504SNo
2610R B Greene Trucking LLCRandy Greene41 UNION POINT RDWebsterMA8603823272 No
2137R&J Trucking LLCArlene FisherPO Box 311ShelburneVT8029853296SUnknown
2489R. Hulett Trucking, Inc.Richard Hulett1290 VT-30West PawletVT802-645-9995SNo
2541Ralph Reynolds, Jr. dba Reynolds RubbishRalph Reynolds, Jr.134 Stratton RoadNorth ClarendonVT8024171615 No
2287Randy Martelle dba Martelle Waste ServicesRandy Martelle447 VT Rte 30WellsVT8023451996SNo
913Ranger, Inc.Jessica AngerPO Box 432SuttonMA5088651880HUnknown
413Ran-Mar CorporationGreg Rouleau1083 US Route 2BerlinVT8022239577SNo
2593Rascal's Rubbish and Redemption LLCBrandon Fuller1 River RoadWaterburyVT8027982492SNo
2343Recycling Services, Inc.Francesco Finocchiaro166A Merrimack StreetMethuenMA6035428755SNo
860Red Baron Trucking, Inc.Stephan Zeller0 Corwin StPeabodyMA6175107658SUnknown
918RED Technologies, LLCKatie French173 Pickering StPortlandCT8603421022HSNo
2339REM Transportation, IncAlexis Dimmick595 Neighbor RoadRandolph CenterVT8027633432SNo
772Renaud Bros IncMichael Renaud283 Fort Bridgman RoadVernonVT8022577383SUnknown
1036Republic Environmental System (Transportation Group), LLCStacy Johnson7273 State Road 76NeenahWI9209677090HSMNo
688Reworld Remediation Services, IncDiane Hunt700 Richmond StreetE. TauntonMA5088281005HSUnknown
2193RGP Environmental LLC dba 1-800-Got-Junk?John Wagner397 Patchen Road #3South BurlingtonVT8028467714SNo
2186Rich Earth Institute, Inc.Arthur Davis355 Old Ferry Rd.BrattleboroVT8023800775RSUnknown
2140Richard Benoit DBA Benoit LandscapingRichard BenoitPO Box 59DanvilleVT8022746482SNo
977Richard Rheaume dba R&L RubbishRichard Rheaume215 Munson RoadMiddleburyVT8023886288SNo
2689Riley's Services IncRiley Bates90 Stoney Meadow LaneMendonVT8023455808SNo
2253Robert Bates Inc., dba Bobs Tire Co.Robert BatesPO Box 1090MattapoisettMA5089978545SNo
438Robert Hooker dba Rons Trucking PartnershipRobert Hooker1265 Spaulding RdSt JohnsburyVT8027484818SNo
2536Rocklake, LLCMike PrattPO Box 345Montgomery CenterVT8023263171SNo
111Rodney's Rubbish LLC Rodney Companion3801 Waterbury-Stowe RoadWaterbury CenterVT802-793-3640SNo
1071Roger Vesper dba Have Trash Will Travel & TruckingBillie-Jean Vesper4973 VT Rte. 14South RoyaltonVT8023564396SNo
2159Ron Fenoff Excavating LLCKimberly McNamara366 Duck Pond RdWaterfordVT8027487888SUnknown
440Ross Transportation Services, Inc.Dawn Palmer36790 Giles RoadGraftonOH4407485900HNo
443Rowley Fuels, Inc.Leslie RowleyP.O. Box 21MiltonVT8028937952HUnknown
2421Rural Septic and Drain LLCScott GordonPO Box 175JamaicaVT8026899774RUnknown
2548Russell & Son LLCRussell SantamorePO Box 268 WarrenVT8024317275SYes
446Rutland County Solid Waste DistrictMark Shea2 Greens Hill LaneRutlandVT8027757209HSUnknown
2543RYDER Restoration, Inc. dba SERVPRO of Cheshire County, Windham & Windsor Cos., Barre, MontpelierMelissa Paul140 Old Route 12EWestmorelandNH6033527251SRUnknown
450S. B. Collins, Inc.Dylan Hardy54 Lower WeldonSt. AlbansVT8027828917HUnknown
1091S.D. Ireland Brothers CorporationByron FurmanPO Box 2286South BurlingtonVT8023160363SUnknown
2128S.W.M. CorporationGuillermo Leon Munoz Castrillion 1 Dix Street, Apt. 1RevereMA6179593529SRNo
452Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc.Colleen Costello42 Longwater DriveNorwellMA7817925787HRSMYes
1038Sam Carter dba Cloud's Path FarmEliza Perreault491 Hod Brooks RoadSheffieldVT8022747177sUnknown
2427Sam Duffy dba Take it Away, Sam!Sam Duffy73 Little Pond RdLondonderryVT8023809760SNo
2524Samm Consulting LLCRon Stark2 Old Country RoadWinhallVT8028399302 Unknown
2438Sam's Service Center & U-Save Fuels, Inc.Amy Proctor352 VT Rte 4A EFair HavenVT8022653608SUnknown
971Sandberg Enterprises LLC dba Cookeville CompostRobert SandbergPO Box 466CorinthVT8024395563SNo
336Sandra Marsh dba Floyd's Rubbish RemovalSandra Marsh9 Quinttown RoadOrfordNH6033539327SNo
2685SBC Property Maintenance LLCSamuel B Clement Jr524 Stebbins RoadVernonVT8023801317S 
460Schofields Septic Tank Service, Inc.Kevin C. Schofield1121 Route 302LisbonNH6038386028RUnknown
2112SDJ Services of Pelham LLCGerald J. DallairePO Box 304SandownNH9788157859SRNo
2219Second Act Transition Services, L3CDonald Rathgeb Jr.16 Sunset DriveBurlingtonVT8025787485SNo
925Septic Pro LLCStephen ProPO Box 364KeeneNH8022545400RUnknown
466Sheldon Oil Services, Inc.Guy SheldonP.O. Box 839NassauNY518-766-2864HUnknown
697Shred This, Inc. dba SecurShredStephen MillettePO Box 2123So. BurlingtonVT802-863-3003SNo
990Shred-Ex LLCTodd Klimoski529 Jasper Mine RoadColchesterVT8028630404SUnknown
449SJ Transportation Co., Inc.Kellianne GleasonPO Box 169, 1176 US Route 40WoodstownNJ8567692741HRSMNo
2359SLEEP WELL RECYCLING, LLC.Joshua Costa525 Riverside AveBurlingtonVT6033212335SNo
2663Smiths Landscaping & Green Mountain Rubbish LLCSkye Elliott2457 Underpass Road Sutton  8027519344SNo
2459Sprockets Limited Liability CompanySteve Connolly42 Union StreetWindsorVT8022911063SYes
1010SRS National LLCTamara L. Plourd or James Beaudoin199 Lazy LaneSouthingtonCT8606289993SNo
932St. Onge Transport, Inc.Daniel St. OngePO BOX 1472DerbyVT8023343044SUnknown
644Stearns Septic Service, LLCBrian / Tina StearnsPO Box 1167GranthamNH6034429500RUnknown
476Stericycle Inc.Marvin Bowers11800 Exit Five Parkway, Ste 120FishersIN4432713928SMNo
2256Steve and Susan Pratt dba Trash Services In Central VermontSteve and Susan Pratt PO Box 338East BarreVT8025953445SNo
498Steve Loud dba Timberwolf Rubbish RemovalSteve Loud10 Holly StreetWoodsvilleNH6037473974SNo
479Steve's Septic Service, LLCSteven P. King481 Stebbins RoadVernonVT8022571619RUnknown
846Stone Industries, LLCStephanie Schroder-Loveland4305 Route 50Saratoga SpringsNY5185841048RUnknown
2597Stones' Septic LLCBrian Stone39 Goodell AveSwanzeyNH6033135002SR 
2504Straight Flush LLCDerek Flint790 Winchester Hill RoadWilliamstownVT8023690051RUnknown
1073Strategic Environmental Services, Inc.Laura Gaspa362 Putnam Hill RoadSuttonMA5087577782HSYes
2605Sun Environmental Corp.Sun Environmental Corp.4655 Crossroads Park DriveLiverpoolNY3156797731HSRYes
2285SVCS Inc.Ryan Walton28 South Main StreetRutlandVT8025859783SNo
1072Sylvester's Trucking LLCBenjamin W. Sylvester482 Jay RoadRichfordVT8028483413SRNo
195T & C Franklin Inc. dba Franklin & Son Rubbish RemovalCheryl Franklin368 Franklin RdVernonVT8022574915SNo
1019T&T Repeats LLCThomas Moore65 Prospect StreetMontpelierVT8022241360SUnknown
928Tank Out LLCTim Mack256 Jericho RoadEssex JunctionVT8027357880SHUnknown
2187Taplin Septic Pumping and Portable Toilets, LLC (formerly Hans Laggis dba Taplins Septic Service & RHans LaggisPO Box 731BartonVT8026730213RUnknown
490TCI of NY, LLCLisa Leone-BeersPO Box 936 CoeymansNY5187569997HSNo
2679TDI Repair Facility, LLCAdam Bartemy50 Babbie BoulevardSwantonVT8028685270HSYes
2568Thayer Transport, LLCStacey470 Creek RoadWallingfordVT8025586146SNo
1104The Cleaning Crew, Inc.Robert MontgomeryPO Box 90KillingtonVT8024222300SNo
2525The Landscapers INCKyle Conant91 Sycamore RdMelroseMA9788822693SUnknown
1063The University of VermontDorian Evans667 Spear StreetBurlingtonVT8026560767HMSNo
307Thomas C. LaRose dba LaRose Public TruckingThomas LaRosePO Box 753St JohnsburyVT8027488424SNo
1081Thomas G. Sweet dba Tom's Rubbish RemovalThomas G. Sweet106 Nelson RoadBenningtonVT8024425536SUnknown
974Tim Hewitt dba Preferred RestroomsTim Hewitt211 Frank Lord RoadShrewsburyVT8025588955RUnknown
2508Tiny's Trash Services and Hauling LLCTim Belden32 W. Corinth RdWashingtonVT8025225089SNo
1027Todd Weber dba Weber's Trash RemovalKayla BrownellPO Box 4498BenningtonVT5189376823SYes
801Tom Bodette Landscaping & Excavating Inc., dba Bodette Septic ServiceLeslie Bodette6 LOWER PLAINS RDMIDDLEBURYVT8027709276RUnknown
2323Top Notch Roofing, Inc.David T SmithPO BOX 397MiltonVT8023732979SUnknown
505Tourville Trucking LLCLee TourvillePO Box 246JerichoVT8028992009SNo
2221Town of WestmoreDan Sicard54 Hinton Hill RoadOrleansVT8025253007SNo
880Tracy Hubbard dba Hubbard's Septic Service & Portable RestroomsTracy Hubbard345 Dailey PlaceRutlandVT8027732045RUnknown
2217Tradebe Transportation LLCPeter Olsen, Director of Transportation1433 E 83rd Avenue, Suite 200Merrillville IN2035372503HSNo
522Tradebe Treatment and Recycling Northeast, LLC Peter Olsen, Director of Transportation234 Hobart StreetMeridenCT2035372503HSNo
2380Transform Vermont Compost Connection LLCShawn Pontbriand1121 Cox Brook RoadNorthfield 8023639789SUnknown
2322Transport Lamarche Inc.Eric Lamarche, Vice President769 Rue JetteActon Vale, QuebecCN4502783036RUnknown
509Transport Rollex LteeLouis Lafontaine, Development & Conformity Manager910 Blvd. Lionel BouletVarennes QCCAN5145211416HRSNo
2185Travis Eurbin dba Eurbin Design & Home ImprovementTravis EurbinPO Box 504BartonVT802-525-4663SNo
2335Travis Gilman dba Keep It Green CompostTravis Gilman376 Delano RoadIrasburgVT8026736728SUnknown
2558Trident Environmental Group, LLCWilliam W Nineve15 SHIRE DRNorfolkMA5082293545HS 
944Triple L Lumber Co., Inc.Leon O. Wilson64 Foster Hill RoadHennikerNH6034283500SUnknown
511Tri-S Environmental Services, Inc.Mike Kopeski25 Pinney StreetEllingtonCT8608752110HUnknown
514Triumvirate Environmental Inc.Donna McLean200 Innerbelt RoadSomervilleMA6176288098HSMNo
602Twin State Management LLC dba Ruggiero Trash RemovalKenneth TyquiengcoPO Box 434Saxtons RiverVT802-869-2235SNo
723U.S. Bulk Transport, Inc.Kimberly Bayhurst205 Pennbriar DriveEriePA8148249949HRSUnknown
879Univar Solutions USA LLC dba Univar Solutions USA Tamisha Howard3075 Highland Parkway, #200Downers GroveIL7086167035HSNo
2350Upper Valley Compost LLCRoger Myott171 jeff heights circleJeffersonvilleVT8022381703SUnknown
1103US Environmental, IncEdward W Wisneski409 Boot RdDowningtownPA484-947-4613HSRNo
2650Vac Truck Services of New England, LLCDenise LaPierre6 Point Breeze RdUncasvilleCT8602661816HS 
2119Van Denton dba Denton & Son Van Denton64 Paintworks RoadBrandonVT8022478340SNo
17Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLCDenise Krous1 Eden LaneFlandersNJ9736917321HMSNo
2289Vermont Compost Company, Inc.Sid Hammer, Director of Operations1996 Main StreetMontpelierVT8023719549SUnknown
996Vermont Shred LLCJon LaShurePO Box 291SwantonVT8023093591SMNo
527Vermont Transco LLC (Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc.)Thomas Veysey366 Pinnacle Ridge RoadRutlandVT8027726218HSUnknown
531Vershire, Town ofTown Clerk, Gene Craft6894 VT Route 113VershireVT8026852227SNo
976Vertecero LLC dba Ace TrashJonathan SkatesPO Box 161StoweVT8022539222SNo
2298Vinnie T. Rubbish LLCVince Thompson71 Shepherd LaneArlingtonVT8026815812SRNo
2546VLS Lancaster, LLC.Krista Hemming1076 Manheim PikeLancasterPA7173932627SRNo
2316VTUMS Vermont Utility Management Services, LLCJill MarsanoP.O. Box 152HinesburgVT8023772316SRNo
2641W. Carrera Soil Management CorpBruna Martins132 Whittemore StreetTewksburyMA9786087899S 
2264W. Hook Septic, LLC dba Silloway Septic Service (formerly Silloway Septic Service)Wayne HookPO Box 158ChelseaVT8027285308RUnknown
844W. L. French Excavating Co.Mark Sargent or Diarmuid Gallagher 14 Sterling RoadBillericaMA9786632623SRNo
1061W. L. French Jr. Trucking Co., Inc.Mark Sargent14 Sterling RoadBillericaMA9786632623SNo
859W.C. Gurrisi & Sons, Inc.Linda Vining0 Corwin StreetPeabodyMA9788186248SUnknown
766Wagner's Sales & Service, Inc., dba Wagner's ConstructionGEORGE R. JR & TAMMY WAGNER62 Burke Hill RoadWest BurkeVT8024673372SNo
2666Walter A. CarreraWalter Carrera27 Saugus Ave 1SaugusMA8572516273S 
908Walter LaRochelle dba Gator TruckingWalter LaRochelle151 Kelly RoadDayvilleCT8602081846SUnknown
770Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc.Louis PorterPO Box 8East MontpelierVT8022235245HUnknown
535Waste Management of NH, Inc. (dba Cheshire Sanitation)Shawn Hood25 Monadnock HighwaySwanzeyNH6033521035SRYes
2500Wasted* Public Benefit CorporationThor Retzlaff491 Industrial AveWillistonVT8023433724RUnknown
2598Waterbury Fix it LLC dba Waterbury CarpenterDamian Roman161 South Main StreetWaterburyVT8027354444 No
985Wayne Frenette dba Wayn-o's Disposal ServiceWayne/Tricia FrenettePO Box 555LancasterNH6037882342SYes
540West Central Environmental CorpJoseph D. MurphyP.O. Box 83RensselaerNY5182726891HSNo
542Western Oil Inc.Jared RafteryPO Box 518LincolnRI4017278600HSRUnknown
2247Wetherby's Trash Removal LLCJohn Wetherby16 Gulf RoadRichfordVT8028483550SYes
691White Mountain Resource Management, Inc., dba Resource Management, Inc.Maria Feraco1171 NH Rte 175HoldernessNH603-536-8900RSUnknown
2189White's Septic Service VT LLCAdrian Dutkewych259 Old Cherry Mountain RoadJefferson NH6036310660RUnknown
548Whitney Trucking, Inc.Dan Whitney/Michele576 Pine Meadow RoadNorthfieldMA4134985591RSNo
1083Wind River Environmental LLCSteve LaPorte46 Lizotte Drive, Suite 1000MarlboroughMA6177749098RSNo
704Windham Solid Waste Management DistrictVicki Hayes, Anita Grant327 Old Ferry RoadBrattleboroVT8022570272SUnknown
2692Winds Transportation Inc Jeff DesLauriers19 Precast Road MiltonVT8028919250SNo
2416Windy Minor dba S&S TruckingWindy Minor257 Fortin Rd.SwantonVT8023095259SNo
752Winterbottom Trucking LLCDarlene HarveyPO Box 62West ChazyNY5185692974SUnknown
661Working Dog Septic Service Inc.Lawrence Young Jr.504 Fletcher RoadCambridgeVT802-343-1657RUnknown
2234World Resources CompanyDale Schneck, Vice President170 Walnut LanePottsvillePA5706224747HRSUnknown
2599Wrec Trail Solutions LLCDanny Hale143 Mackville RdHardwickVT8023536608S 
2695Wright's Roll-Off LLCWade Wright Jr.221 Cross RoadBartonVT8026737342S 
769WRS Environmental Services, Inc. dba Champion Environmental ServicesCourtney Lampasona17 Old Dock RoadYaphankNY6319248111HRSNo
2151Wyman-Frasier Lumber Mill Inc.Jon Wyman114 Wyman RoadBrandonVT8027709113SNo
2325Zach Cavacas dba Music Mountain CompostZach Cavacas2195 Music Mountain RoadStockbridgeVT8023423834SUnknown
1065Zampini Associates LLCDonna Cauti or Dino ZampiniPO Box 39ReadingVT8024849312SNo
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